The image of Lady Gaga shows that she is proud of whom she is and that she is an outgoing and fun person. This is shown by her making everything about her bold and visible. In the image Lady Gaga is dressed differently to how she would normally dress as she normally wears unusual and unique clothing that she has specially made for her to fit her style. But in this picture she looks very feminine and stylish. This has been done to show that she has another side to her and that she does have a ‘girly’ approach. I would dress my model in feminine clothes so that it appeals to both males and females. It may also make the readers want to read the article on her as there are rarely pictures of Lady Gaga dressed like that. In the image she is very revealing and some people would not like to read the article as they may think that it inappropriate and if the image is inappropriate then the context within the magazine is likely to me inappropriate.
The mid shot that they have used of Lady Gaga has been used so that the audiences eyes are drawn to her face straight and the fact that she is not wearing any clothes in the picture. It is also used to show the emotion that she is feeling through her facial expressions. For my main image on my magazine cover I would use a mid shot so that the audience are automatically drawn to the models face as that would be the main feature.The shoulders in the image show a lot about how she is feeling along with the facial expressions. Her shoulders are relaxed which show the audience that she is not under pressure and feels comfortable with how she is which is important as she is wearing very few clothes, this shows that she is a confident person and isn’t afraid to take a risk.
The angle of the image is straight forward and upright which makes it clear and obvious. It also makes it easier for the audience to see the image clearly as the eye is automatically drawn to the image.
The image of Lady Gaga shows that it is related to the pop genre as she looks like a ‘Pop Queen’ this is because she looks like the standard pop singer as she has all of the heavy makeup on and false eye lashes.
The large ‘L’ that covers the entire right hand page stands for the l in Lady Gaga. It also draws the public’s attention to the article when they are flicking through the magazine. The ‘L’ has been made bold and red, which links into Lady Gaga’s pop music and her pop style. This also shows that she is an outgoing and bold person who isn’t aloud to let herself out to the public. I wouldn’t personally use a large letter on my double page spread in my music magazine.
I think the fonts that they have used on the double page spread are effective because they are very simple and straight forward. Also very few fonts have been used which is effective because it is easier for the audience to read and they are not distracted by any of the other text as it is in front of them and recognisable. I would only use a couple of fonts on my double page spread and carry the main font which I use for the main text in the double page spread through the rest of the magazine so that it is flowing.
Slang has been used as the ‘Q’ magazine is meant to be informal and is aimed at the younger generation and not the older generation who are less likely to understand slang and informal language as slang is constantly changing. An example of slang in the Lady Gaga article is- ‘got ya’ which is another version of saying that you have understood.
The mise- en- scene is the arrangement of scenery and props to represent the place or the person in the magazine. The colouring of the image of Lady Gaga is in black and white which makes it look more formal and posh. It also makes it look more stylish and shows of her feminine side rather than her wild side. The heavy eye makeup looks even bolder and heavier because of the darkness of the photo. The plain background behind Lady Gaga is better than a patterned background because you focus more on the photo and her face than you do on the patterened background as that would draw the attention away from the face of her. I would use a plain white or light background for the reason that I gave for Lady Gaga's photo- shoot.
The props that have been used have been kept to a minimum. This is effective as is shows of the genre of music that ‘Q’ magazine are trying to convey. It shows that the pop genre is seen as ‘sexy’ and that there is a lot to it. Secondly it shows that some of the celebrities in the pop music industry reveal their body to much sometimes. The prop in the image which is a chain is covering up parts of her body that would not be acceptable to show in a music magazine where it is based at young adults. I would also use very few props and focus more on the person in the pictures face rather than the small props, I would also have my person in the main image covered up so that it is appropriate for my target audience.
The layout has been done in a clever way and a way that you don’t usually see on a double page spread. Usually the main image is position in the centre if the article is on a band as it would take up more room as there are more people in the picture than there would be on a solo artist’s image. The picture of Connor is positioned on the right hand side of the double page and a small amount of it is covering the left hand side of the double page spread. They have put the photo on the right because the human eye automatically looks to the right when they look at something and this shows that the writers of Teen Now want you to look at the image before anything else.
The main text that the writers of Teen Now want you to look at is in a larger font. ‘Music Maynia’ is bold, colourful and in a large font so that it is recognisable and stands out from the rest of the text on the page. The colourfulness of the headline fits in with his approach to music- bright, colourful and enjoyable. I don’t think the pink highlight over the information underneath the headline works very well as it clashes with the other colours on the page and it is too bright and hard to see the white text. I think the headline looks good where it is positioned as it is not taking over from the main image and by it not overlapping the main image it is easier to read it as it is on a white background.
The language in the double page spread is very informal but not a lot of slang has been used, this is because it needs to be appropriate for younger people around the age of 7- 14. If a lot of slang was to be used it may put the young people of the article as they may not understand it and may not make any sense to them. In my doubnle page spread I would include a small amount of slang that that particular age group is likely to understand.
The main piece of slang that I have identified is ‘OMG’ this works well because it is also abbreviated as well as used as slang. It is also good because it is easily recognisable as ‘Oh My God’ as this has been around for a long time and different aged people and generations understand it.
The props that have been used have been kept to a minimum. This is effective as is shows of the genre of music that ‘Q’ magazine are trying to convey. It shows that the pop genre is seen as ‘sexy’ and that there is a lot to it. Secondly it shows that some of the celebrities in the pop music industry reveal their body to much sometimes. The prop in the image which is a chain is covering up parts of her body that would not be acceptable to show in a music magazine where it is based at young adults. I would also use very few props and focus more on the person in the pictures face rather than the small props, I would also have my person in the main image covered up so that it is appropriate for my target audience.
The image of Connor Maynard on the double page spread of the Teen Now magazine has been posed in a specific way. Connor Maynard has been posed so that he looks relaxed and comfortable. They have taken a full length shot so that the audience can see all of him rather than just his face where it would be a close up. This has beeenn done to show that he relates to the pop music. The angle of the camera shot is straight on so that it is easy to see and so that it shows him of as the audience can see more about him. No special effects have been added to the photo of him because it is very sharp looking already, a small shadow has been added to the picture behind him to show that he is leaning forward and so that it looks like he is listening and paying attention to you by leaning in and showing direct eye contact to the audience so that it feels personal. I would also use a plain or a simple background and add a shaddow around my model to show a connection with the audience.
Connor is wearing clothes that he wears on a standard day when he is not at a photo-shoot or on tour. This shows that they have not dressed him in something that he wouldn’t normally where and this can be another reason why he is looking relaxed. This also connects to the music genre which he is in which is pop. Just by looking at the clothes that he is wearing it is easy to recognise that he has a connection to the pop genre. Whereas females in the pop genre would wear short dresses and smarter clothes. Males more commonly wear jeans and Nike trainers which is what he Connor is wearing, this shows that it is iconic to the pop genre and a micro element.
Connor is wearing clothes that he wears on a standard day when he is not at a photo-shoot or on tour. This shows that they have not dressed him in something that he wouldn’t normally where and this can be another reason why he is looking relaxed. This also connects to the music genre which he is in which is pop. Just by looking at the clothes that he is wearing it is easy to recognise that he has a connection to the pop genre. Whereas females in the pop genre would wear short dresses and smarter clothes. Males more commonly wear jeans and Nike trainers which is what he Connor is wearing, this shows that it is iconic to the pop genre and a micro element.
The language in the double page spread is very informal but not a lot of slang has been used, this is because it needs to be appropriate for younger people around the age of 7- 14. If a lot of slang was to be used it may put the young people of the article as they may not understand it and may not make any sense to them. In my doubnle page spread I would include a small amount of slang that that particular age group is likely to understand.
The main piece of slang that I have identified is ‘OMG’ this works well because it is also abbreviated as well as used as slang. It is also good because it is easily recognisable as ‘Oh My God’ as this has been around for a long time and different aged people and generations understand it.
The magazine double page spread includes first person and second person vocabulary. Second person is used when the interviewer is talking to the interviewee and the interviewee responds in first person as they are likely to be responding to a question that they have been asked about themselves. I would include first and second person vocabulary in my interview to show that they are both engaging with each other.
The colouring is bold so that it is appealing for the younger generation. The lighting is basic bit that adds to the feel of the pop genre within the magazine. The main prop is the stereo which shows that the article is to do with music. This helps as you don’t need to read any information to know what it is about, you just need to look at the main image.
The colouring is bold so that it is appealing for the younger generation. The lighting is basic bit that adds to the feel of the pop genre within the magazine. The main prop is the stereo which shows that the article is to do with music. This helps as you don’t need to read any information to know what it is about, you just need to look at the main image.
The main image on the double page spread is of Adele crouching down in a long flowing purple dress with her had positioned over her chin with her hair curled and being blown back. The image of her represents the pop genre that she focuses on as she looks like a pop star. Even though she looks like a pop star because of her makeup she also looks older than what she is. This is because she is covering up her body much more than other pop stars do such as Nicki Minaj or Lady Gaga. From looking at the image if I didn’t know what genre of music she belonged to I wouldn’t instantly think that she is related to the pop genre as I think she looks more of a country of folk artist. Even though I don’t think how she looks very pop like but I appreciate that it is her own style and that she does want to be different to other artists and bring something different to the music industry. I would not have my model wearing clothes like she is wearing as my artist would be a stereotypical pop artist such as Rhianna or Cheryl Cole.
I think the shot that they have used for the photo of Adele is very good as she is looking directly at the audience. As they have taken the shot from the right looking upwards they have been able to get all of the dress in. The only thing that I don’t like about the shot is that it makes her look bigger in size which makes her face look small in comparison to the rest of her body. It therefor looks out of proportion.
I like the photo of her as it is very clear this is because it is up against a whiter background and the purple in her dress stands out as it is very bold. The colour of the dress and the colour if her hair work well together as they contradict each other without clashing.
They have included formal and informal language in the article. At the beginning it starts of very formal. This is so that it appeals to the audience. They also start of as if they are telling a story. The audience is being informed exactly what she is doing at that specific time. This is so that they get a real understanding of the type of person that she is, this is also done because if the person who was starting to read the article didn’t know who it was they can quickly understand a bit about her as an artist.
Part way through the article her true side comes out and they start to include swearing and informal language. ‘I thought it was fucking shit actually’ shows her aggression and that she isn’t always this nice and friendly person that she looks like in the main image. This also shows that she can be very opinionated about different thing that she feels pationatly about.
The headline on the double page spread reads “I’m just a normal girl” they have used a quote from the double page spread instead of just making up a random headline that doesn’t have any specific meaning. At least with tis people know that it is to do with the text. This is also shown as it has speech marks around it which shows that she is making her own judgement again.
The sub headline is very informative and rather long for a sub- headline. In it they have only included the positive aspects of her such as her ‘number 1 in 15 countries’ they have included formal and informal language in the sub headline. The formal language is what I previously mentioned and the sub headline is “Whipped cream comin’ out of her tits” Although they have included things that some people wouldn’t find acceptable many people who read ‘Q’ would be prepared to find rude comments, slang and swear words as that is the style of the magazine.
Slang has been used such as ‘omg’. If the magazine was aimed at the older generation then it would not be appropriate as they would probably not know what it means but as the magazine is aimed at young adults up to middle aged people they would understand it.
I really like the layout of this double page spread, this is because it is linked really well. For instance they have linked the right and the left page together because her dress is covering both pages, this shows that it is all to do with the same artist. I also like the way that they have put the text in columns. This works well as it is easy to read and it is useful as you can read a section at a time and go back to it later without having to read the whole article again as you are more likely to remember where you were. I think the way that they have split it up into sections works really well. At the beginning there is a small paragraph of text that is the introduction and it then carry’s onto the right hand side of the page. The quote on the right hand page that is two thirds of the way down shows that that section is going to be about fame and outcomes this is shown as they have made the text so that it in red so that it stands out from the rest of the text. The headings are in bold colours such as red so that they stand out as they are easily recognisable. The different size texts shows the importance of than piece of information, I think that this could of ben used a bit more effectively throughout the double page spread because even though some pieces of text are larger they are bit that much bigger which doesn’t really make a difference to the audience to show the importance of it.
No props have been used. I think this is because they want it to be quite a plain double page spread because you can’t tell a lot about her from her photograph but you can tell more about her by the information on the page. The lighting is very plain and bright this is so that the photo of her stands out and this has been achieved by positioning her up against a white background.
No props have been used. I think this is because they want it to be quite a plain double page spread because you can’t tell a lot about her from her photograph but you can tell more about her by the information on the page. The lighting is very plain and bright this is so that the photo of her stands out and this has been achieved by positioning her up against a white background.
Come up with a headline which sums up the representation of your artist
Come up with a headline which sums up the representation of your artist
“I turned to music when I didn’t know what to
do with myself”
After all, I had it all
My life, my choices, my music, my career
I’d only ever dreamt of being a pop star
Laura speaks out
I’m shy at first, but wait until you get to
know me
1. Catching up with Laura Stones on what she’s been up to, whether I’ll get much out of her after a night out in town with the girls I don’t know!
1. Catching up with Laura Stones on what she’s been up to, whether I’ll get much out of her after a night out in town with the girls I don’t know!
2. Laura Stone Reveals all about her tough childhood and how
music helped her change her life around and the progress that she has made with
the help and support of her family and close ones as well as giving you a
sneaky insight to her new album that is to be release very soon!
Speaking to the one and only Laura Stone about
her music career ,her love life and all the other things that a pop star as big
as Laura gets up to in the spare time.
Laura’s music is loud and dancy but will she
be feeling that way this morning when we interview her about her life after a
night out in town and the VIP nightclub.
My favourite sub headline is number three. This is because is says the most about the article without revealing to much. I also like it because of the detail that is in it. I like the otheres but they are to vague and the audience may not end up reading the article as they don't knoo what is in it.
Laura, it’s been ages
since we last spoke to you, am I right in saying that you’ve been extremely
busy over the last few months?
Yeah that’s right; it’s been non- stop! But I love every single second of it!
That’s incredible,
fill us in in what you’ve been up to, we’re dying to know!Yeah that’s right; it’s been non- stop! But I love every single second of it!
loads, literally loads. *laughs* Well I released my new single 12 days ago called ‘What you don’t know’ which was a massive hit here in the UK.
Wow! I’ve heard so
many people talking about it and how catchy it is, you seem pleased with the
Yeah totally, I wanted to do something a bit different to my usual style of music and I felt like it was the right time to make my music a bit more catchy so that people could get up and dance to it. Well that was my aim anyway. And to be honest as I’m getting older I’m maturing *laughs* and I want my music to mature with me.
Yeah, that’s totally
understandable! So when are you releasing your album and what is it called?Yeah totally, I wanted to do something a bit different to my usual style of music and I felt like it was the right time to make my music a bit more catchy so that people could get up and dance to it. Well that was my aim anyway. And to be honest as I’m getting older I’m maturing *laughs* and I want my music to mature with me.
Its called ‘Everything happens for a reason’ and most of the songs on there are pop songs and are really catchy but there are also a couple of songs on the album that are slow but when you listen to them you will understand why they are slow. Oh and the album comes out on the 27th November. I’m so excited for all my fans to hear it.
Well I’m really
excited to hear it, I can’t wait. And it’s available to pre order right now isn’t
Yeah that’s right, go and pre order it so that you can get it straight away. And if my fans Tweeted me on twitter about what they think about it then that would be great. I love hearing feedback and people opinions.
You say you love
hearing people’s opinions but there are times on Twitter when some twitter
users go a bit too far and offend and get to people, especially celebs. Has this
ever happened to you? Yeah that’s right, go and pre order it so that you can get it straight away. And if my fans Tweeted me on twitter about what they think about it then that would be great. I love hearing feedback and people opinions.
Well if you look up any celebrity and Tweets that relate them you will always find hate and people insulting them. Yes, it does happen to me and at the beginning when I first got twitter and released my first single I did get hate because I was new to the music industry and people hadn’t accepted me for who I was then but it doesn’t get to me anymore because I just think that I’m never going to meet them and I do get a lot more positive comments that negative *smiles and dances in her seat where she is sitting*
I think that’s a good
attitude to have as it does affect quite a lot of people.
Well people need to stay strong but if you are getting hate or you feel uncomfortable about a situation on the internet then you should always inform someone.
We’ve had a load of
people tweet us with questions that they would like me to ask you. Firstly
@Sarah1DSharp asked; who are you currently dating?Well people need to stay strong but if you are getting hate or you feel uncomfortable about a situation on the internet then you should always inform someone.
Aha, good question Sarah, currently nobody; I’m just waiting for the perfect man to come along to treat me like a princess.
That’s right; all
women need a man to treat them like a princess. @lwwycutiexo asked what is your
favourite song on the album and why?
‘Infinity’, yep that’s my fave, it was such a lovely song to record and it means a lot to me as it kind of tells my life so far in a song.
Finally, @MattCrisp19
asked what artists have inspired you?‘Infinity’, yep that’s my fave, it was such a lovely song to record and it means a lot to me as it kind of tells my life so far in a song.
Loads literally loads! I could sit hear reeling of a list but I won’t bore you with that but the ones that have probably influenced me the most are; Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, The Jackson Five, Take That, Ed Sheeran and Alicia Keys.
Moving on, would you
ever collaborate with another artist and if so who would you like to do it
I would absolutely love to. I’d love to work with someone who has a similar style of music as myself such as Rihanna, Cheryl Cole or Katy Perry because I think that it would be really fun but I would also love to work with Ed Sheeran. He has such a beautiful perfect voice and he is just a down to earth sort of guy who is always there for anyone.
Your right, Ed’s such
a lovely guy. Do you meet up with other celebs in your spare time?I would absolutely love to. I’d love to work with someone who has a similar style of music as myself such as Rihanna, Cheryl Cole or Katy Perry because I think that it would be really fun but I would also love to work with Ed Sheeran. He has such a beautiful perfect voice and he is just a down to earth sort of guy who is always there for anyone.
Yeah of course. Last night I was out with a few old friends from university at Potters nightclub. There were also other celebs there and it nice because they don’t avoid you and will always come over and say hi and have a nice convocation with you. I was with Miley Cyrus last night who is absolutely lovely. Got to admit she did get me a bit drunk thought *laughs*
Can still smell the
alcohol on your breath! Shows that you had a good night though. Talking about
going out and having fun, Christmas is approaching us. Have you got any plans
I don’t get to see my family as much now so it’s always nice to meet up with them. I’ll be going round my parent’s house with the rest of the family, and will just enjoy spending time with them, and omg I can’t wait for Mums Christmas dinner.
The big question. Are
Brussels sprouts a yay or a nay?I don’t get to see my family as much now so it’s always nice to meet up with them. I’ll be going round my parent’s house with the rest of the family, and will just enjoy spending time with them, and omg I can’t wait for Mums Christmas dinner.
Eugh, their discussing! Defiantly a nay, I can’t stand the things, it would just ruin your Christmas dinner.
What will you be
wearing for Christmas day, is sit more of a casual or a dress up sort of day
for you?
I don’t really dress up as such for Christmas day; I just like to be sitting by the fire in my comfy clothes. So probably just a pair of nice jeans and a nice top.
In terms of what you
wear when you go out you are quite casual compared to artists such as Lady
Gaga.I don’t really dress up as such for Christmas day; I just like to be sitting by the fire in my comfy clothes. So probably just a pair of nice jeans and a nice top.
Yeah I mean I’m not the type of person who goes full on out of the whacky outfits cause that’s just who I am but I do respect Lady Gaga for going out and dressing differently.
Unfortunately that’s all
that we’ve got time for today but it has been a pleasure talking to you. And
your album will be out for the lovely public on the 27th November.
Thank you for having me; I’ve had a lovely time! Sorry about the alcohol breathe!
Thank you for having me; I’ve had a lovely time! Sorry about the alcohol breathe!
ArticleLaura Stones, a kind hearted girl from east London who always puts others before herself. Even if Laura had a tough upbringing she never loved her passion for music get in the way. Very few people had ever heard of Laura in 2010 but after releasing her first song on YouTube she realised that a lot of people admired her music and her passion for music. Now two years after that amazing moment that changed her life forever we look back on her last couple of years as a pop star. Catching up with Laura in her busy life she informs me that she is releasing her new single ‘What you don’t know’ which I am really excited about. I heard rumours that the single was a bit different to her usual style and I wanted to make sure so I thought I would ask her myself. Using a variety of different hand gestures she replied; ‘I wanted to do something a bit different to my usual style of music and I felt like it was the right time to make my music a bit more catchy so that people could get up and dance to it’ and I’m sure many of her fans will be dancing to it! I queried why she wanted to change her style of music and she told me that she wanted her music to mature with her. Her fans are more than unlikely going to like her new style of music. With a big smile on her face she looked over and said ‘its all for the fans’ Although she is so passionate about her music she admits that it can get a bit over whelming.
Her childhood was an
easy one and she admits that there were really tough times but she doesn’t let
the few insults and negative comments that she gets put her down. Many
celebrities are faced with threats and bullying on Twitter but she now
says ‘That it doesn’t get to her anymore because she
just think that she’s never going to meet them and she does get a lot more
positive comments that negative’ This shows that you shouldn’t let bullying get
to you but if it does then you should let somebody know as Laura tells us with
a serious face and tone in her voice ‘people need to stay strong but if you are
getting hate or you feel uncomfortable about a situation on the internet then
you should always inform someone’
When asked about her love life she seemed very nervy and
uncomfortable and the redness in her cheeks began to show. ‘I’m just waiting
for the perfect man to come along to treat me like a princess’ although she see
answered the question she was not willing say much more. We all know that
people go through hard times in relationships but at least she isn’t letting
her relationship get to her and we are pleased that she hasn’t given her
musical talent up for a man. Phew!
Many pop stars collaborate with other artists and their
music normally becomes a lot more popular as more people will listen to it if
they are familiar with the other artist. When Laura Stone was asked if she
would ever collaborate with another artist said ‘I would love to. I’d love to
work with someone who has a similar style of music as myself such as Rihanna,
Cheryl Cole, Katy Perry because i think it would be really fun but I would also
love to work with Ed Sheeran. He has such a perfect voice.
Concerts are always going on and whenever you look on a
ticket website there will be another concert or date added to the show. We were
interested to know when Laura Stone was going to put on a concert for us all to
go to. She told us that she would love to put on a couple of concerts but
admits that she doesn’t feel that now is the time and that she would rather
focus on perfecting music and would like the public to hear her new album and
would like them to of played it quite a lot so that they get used to the songs
and she would like them to get used to the style of my music. Well to be honest
I think that most artists are like that as they then feel more comfortable when
they get out there on the stage.
Christmas is just round the corner and the advent calendars
will be coming out very soon (how exciting) What will you be doing for
Christmas? Will you be spending time with the family or will you be partying
the night away? Well Laura Stone tells us that she will ‘be going round the
parent’s house with the rest of the family, and will just enjoy spending time
with them’ How lovely is that hey? We all love spending time with our family,
especially on Christmas day.
With Christmas nearly here, that means more clothes for the
wardrobe. Yay! We asked Laura what she will be wearing for Christmas day this
yeah. She told us that she will be wearing comfy clothes instead of dressing
up. ‘I just like to be sitting by the fire in my comfy clothes. So probably
just a pair of nice jeans as a nice top’ That seems to be the most fashionable
thing to do for pop stars. Other artists that dress similar to this is Rihanna
(well some of the time), Taylor Swift and Beyonce. But we think Laura Stones
pulls of this look the most although she doesn’t seem to believe us. We will be
dressing like you do we tell her, she looked at us as if to say, really? We
assured her that it was the truth as she thought we were having it on, lol!
From such a young age Laura Stone has been known to play a
variety of instruments. The first instrument that she learnt to play was the
recorder when she was in year three at school. Although she counted as an
instrument then she now says ‘that she wouldn’t count a moulded piece of
plastic like that as an instrument whilst laughing to herself and going red in
the cheeks again.
She now plays a variety of instruments but has a favourite.
‘My favourite instrument that I can play is the ukulele, strange I know!’ It
surprised us when we heard that but she later explained why ‘My Grandad used to
have two different ukuleles that would sit on the wooden chair in his bedroom
but I was never allowed to go near them as a child. When I turned fourteen he
sat me down and told me why they were so precious to him. He said that himself
and my Nanny who passed away before I was born used to sit together on the soft
rug next to the open fire and sing and play the ukulele together. This meant a
lot to be and I became rather emotional to be honest’ and this point she had
tears in her eyes and reached out for a hug whilst rubbing the tears away that
started to roll down her cheek. She continued with ‘my granddad said that he
wanted me to have my Nanny’s and he wanted he to play and sing with him’ I took
ukulele from him after giving him a big hug and began to do what he asked.’
This shows that you can also me inspired by family. ‘Music has changed my life
Remember that you can purchase Laura Stones album
‘Everything Happens For A Reason’ on the 27th November and her single ‘What You
Don’t Know’ is available now. So remember to put in on your Christmas list or
treat yourself to it.
Mood board on props and costumes to be
For this mood board that I created I wanted to show the different
props and costumes that I would want to use in my photo-shoot of my model
Hannah. I firstly decided that I wanted to include different seasons in my photo-shoot
so this meant that I would have to include different clothing and different
props that represent different seasons. I wanted Hannah to be wearing a khaki
green coat as different celebrities have been spotted wearing them as they are
trendy and recent. Pop stars such as Taylor Swift have been wearing them, this
shows that artists in the pop genre are wearing them and this would therefore
link to my pop magazine.
I also wanted her to wear a biker’s brown leather jacket. This is because it is also recent and trendy and artists such as Rihanna wear them out to places in a casual way. It also looks like it links to the pop genre as it makes her look girly and more grown up.
The third coat that I asked Hannah to wear was a white coat with a black fur collar. I wanted her to wear this as it looks very pop like at fur collared coats have also been seen on different celebrities who are linked to the pop genre.
Moving on to the summer look I thought that I would ask her to wear a flowered headband. I thought that this was one of the main things that I could use that links to summer. I also wanted her to wear the flowered headband because it is something that girly where at festivals and is becoming more iconic. This shows of her pop music as pop music is commonly performed at festivals such as the iTunes festival where artists such as One Direction performed.
The prop that I was interested in her using in some of the shots was the ukulele. I wanted her to hold this and look as if she is playing it as I wanted to include a section in the interview about the instruments that she plays and the ukulele is going to be one of them.
The final prop that I wanted her to use was different costume jewellery. I wanted her to use this because most pop stars in photo-shoots overdo it with the jewellery so that it is one of the key aspects of it.
I also wanted her to wear a biker’s brown leather jacket. This is because it is also recent and trendy and artists such as Rihanna wear them out to places in a casual way. It also looks like it links to the pop genre as it makes her look girly and more grown up.
The third coat that I asked Hannah to wear was a white coat with a black fur collar. I wanted her to wear this as it looks very pop like at fur collared coats have also been seen on different celebrities who are linked to the pop genre.
Moving on to the summer look I thought that I would ask her to wear a flowered headband. I thought that this was one of the main things that I could use that links to summer. I also wanted her to wear the flowered headband because it is something that girly where at festivals and is becoming more iconic. This shows of her pop music as pop music is commonly performed at festivals such as the iTunes festival where artists such as One Direction performed.
The prop that I was interested in her using in some of the shots was the ukulele. I wanted her to hold this and look as if she is playing it as I wanted to include a section in the interview about the instruments that she plays and the ukulele is going to be one of them.
The final prop that I wanted her to use was different costume jewellery. I wanted her to use this because most pop stars in photo-shoots overdo it with the jewellery so that it is one of the key aspects of it.
For the photo-shoot I decided on the props and outfits that I
was going to make my model Hannah wear. I used my pink curtains in my bedroom
as the backdrop as it is a girly colour that you see in a lot of pop magazines
and I wanted it to look powerful and bright and it would not have been up
against a plain white wall. I took a range of shots that I would consider using
for my front cover, contestants page and double page spread.
For this photo I used a mid-shot, this was so that I could
include the fashionable coat to show her style and her music genre that she focuses
on. I didn’t want to use a long shot as I didn’t want to include the floor. I
like the way that she is looking at the audience and making eye contact with
them, this makes it feel more personal. If I was to use this photo I would
probably use it on the double page spread or the front cover.
For this photo I used a mid-shot, I wanted to use a mid-shot
so that you could see more of my mode. I dint want to include any props in this
as I wanted it to be a natural looking photo to show her natural side as well
as her party/ wild side. I also like this photo as she is making eye contact
with the audience and this makes it feel more personal. Even though this was a
posed shot I think it looks like she was walking at turned around to look
behind her so it therefore looks like she looking back. I would probably use
this as the main image on the double page spread or just as a small image on
the double page spread.
For this photo I used a close up shot showing the ukulele
that I gave to Hannah to hold. I wanted her to hold this as it will like to a
section in the interview where she will talk about the instruments that she
plays. I like this one as she is not smiling as such and it is more of a serious
sot rather than a happy fun one. She also looks like she is concentrating
really hard. I was inspired to use the ukulele as a prop and hold it in that position
as I saw a photo of Taylor Swift holding her acoustic guitar in that position
on Tumblr.
For this photo I used a mid-shot. I gave Hannah a flowered headband to wear as I thought that it linked to festivals and I will include a section about festivals in the interview. I also gave her a blue and white patterned summer dress to wear to add to the festival look. I like this photo as it is sharp and I also like the way that I have taken the shot in a position so that it shows that she is making eye contact. She also looks natural in it and looks older than her actual age which is 16. In my opinion I thon she looks around the age of 20 which was the age that I was aiming for her to look like.
Layout Plan
Hello people,
Thank you for coming here. Please look at the four different layouts that I have created for my double page spread for my pop music magazine. let me know which one you prefer and why by either leaving a comment or by contacting my on facebook.Thanks for doing this as it all counts towards my research.
Thank you for coming here. Please look at the four different layouts that I have created for my double page spread for my pop music magazine. let me know which one you prefer and why by either leaving a comment or by contacting my on facebook.Thanks for doing this as it all counts towards my research.
To find out what layout my target audience preferred for my
double page spread I posted a link to this page on my Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr
and BBM account where different people would be able to find the different
layouts. I then asked them to inbox me, Tweet me
, comment on my Tumblr post or BBM me which layout they prefered.
These were some of the responces that I got:
Out of the 13 people that I asked the pie chart shows which
layout that is designed is the most popular. I purposelyasked more females than females as I am targeting me magazine at females rather than males as more females read pop magazines than mals. I will use this layout for my
double page spread although I may change small details along the way but I will
then ask the same 13 people as before whether they still like the layout one
the images and text have been added.
Final Double Page Spread
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